Splunk Choropleth Map: New Features and Migrations

Semaless experience for users to migrate from the depreciated old choropleth map to Splunk map

Splunk is a cloud-based data platform company for Cybersecurity, IT, Observability, and DevOps. The choropleth migration project is to build new features and enable migration script, which help users seamlessly update their old choropleth maps to our new map vizs. This project is very important, since it is the last step before the full deprecation of the old data visualization libraries we maintained. New features were build via React.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, MapLibre-GL.js, styled-components.

New Features

Allow users to add choropelth layer, customize choropleth area color, empty area color, stroke colors, turn on and off base layer, zoom controls, and scales, etc. Those features are needed to build choropleth map in the new map with respect its design in the old map.

Migration Script

Users only need a click a bottom, and we will run a migrate script for users to update their old choropleth maps to our new map vizs.