Look up Texas Vaccine Exemption Rates for Your School or District

Reusable widget with dynamically generated chart based on input data

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Using React.js and D3.js

Texas has resisted recent attempts to change its vaccine laws, allowing parents to get their children exemptions for "reasons of conscience." For this story, I requested vaccine exemption data for kindergarteners from Texas Department of State Health Services and built a lookup tool to help parents to see how exemption rates have changed in their school districts and private schools across the state.

This project received recognition in 2020’s Anson Jones, MD, Awards for outstanding health reporting from Texas Medical Association. The judges said, "Good supportive data, examples. Unbiased presentation. Article broke down why opting out of vaccines matters."

Under the threat of COVID-19, the surge in anti-vaccination sentiment is more relevant now than ever. I always hope that my work makes a difference, and I’m happy to have made a contribution and helped shine a light on an important issue that deserves public attention.

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